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Flock EO

Flock EO part of the start-up Murmuration. We support tourism professionals through 3 services:

  • Carry out environmental impact studies

  • Develop and enhance the Flockeo website dedicated to sustainable tourism.

  • Expand visibility around social and environmental actions

  • Support sustainable projects through a dedicated crowdfunding website :

Murmuration was launched in March 2019 to federate an ecosystem of committed tourism players in the context of established climate change.

Flock EO webpage provides information on sustainable options in different destinations. You can filter per country to find sustainable accommodations, agencies, guides, etc. They also have their own Ecoscore and maps to search for sustainable destinations.

Additionally, Flock EO offers its partners a space to promote their organization, support sustainable development, communication in social networks, ten conferences annually about sustainable tourism and digital communications, a community to exchange ideas with its communication tools, and support project development through crowdfunding. Partners do not pay any commission.


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